Just heard thru the internet grapevine there will be STRAWBERRIES at tomorrow's East Cleveland Farmer's Market. The first of the season. See you there!
Thankfully, my knee is better, and I should be able to load up the car without a problem. I'm hoping to do ECFM for all the summer holiday weekends. This year's 4th of July is a Sunday, which makes the Saturday market a busy day. And, of course, I'll be there for my usual annual trek on Labor Day. I love it that there's a roof and tables there for us, tho I was sorry to hear they were broken into last week.
Finally got the Dryad sisters up on the site (see: the goddesses) and updated my schedule to include the Arts Çollinwood Members Show, which is ! NEXT WEEK! Already! Meanwhile, madly trying to finish more bike gear stuff (currently working on dream catchers with a gear for the hoop and a chain link for the spider). These are oh so time consuming!
Rain or shine (It's a sheltered market) on Memorial Day Weekend. It's their SPRING FORAGING Day, and good stuff has already been to market - spinach, lettuce, asparagus and spring greens. By the end of May, there might even be some strawberries! I'll have my usual stuff plus some lavendar and maybe some other plants too.
If you went to Kamm's yesterday to see my work, I'm sorry for your disappointment. The Kamm's people had their own thing going and, tho I don't want to get into the politics of it, let it be said that freelance vendors were not welcome. The next W+R will not be until July 10 at Shaker, and I'm awaiting confirmation to see if I can participate as a vendor or not. Meanwhile, for sure we'll be at the Tremont Farmer's Market June 22 4-7pm, and the Waterloo Arts Festival June 26 12-7pm. Also look for my prints at the Arts Collinwood Members Show opening May 28. There's lots to make before all this happens - more birch bark books with the newly learned coptic stitch, bike gear dream catchers with bike chain spiders, marblized glass (still testing that one) .... and I need to finish that painting I started months ago ...
Got too busy to post, but updated the where to see our work page with the new schedule and delivered the new earrings and cards to cafe at arts collinwood and something different. The "knot" series of cards sold well, which was good to see, and Koula is really diggin the crystal stuff. Walk + Roll this Saturday - need to get more bike parts stuff finished and let's hope the weather clears!
Hi! I'm a many media'ed artist working in wood, glass, recycled materials, ceramics, photography, print, bronze, fibers ... some is "fine art," some is "functional." Take a look: www.jhos.net